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Questions about the Product
How does Stable Internet work?
Stable Internet works by combining multiple conventional internet connections into a single, reliable, and fail-safe connection. This is made possible by a special router that is connected to a dedicated endpoint in the data center.
Another aspect is that Stable Internet will only feel stable for you if you also have stable Wi-Fi. This is one of the many reasons why we thoroughly document your situation with an on-site technician and then, together with the Stable Internet headquarters, decide how to provide you with the best possible internet.
For more details, visit https://stabiles-internet.de/en/solutions
How does the technology behind it work?
We combine two, three, or even four conventional internet connections into a single connection that is reliable and fail-safe!
For this, we use a "Stable Internet" router that, via an endpoint in a data center, ensures that all these internet connections are seen as a single connection by external servers (such as Google, MS Teams, etc.). This way, if one line fails, no one is affected. As a result, a video conference will simply continue even if a line goes down. The likelihood of multiple lines failing at the same time over the year is so small that we can confidently offer our promise of stable, uninterrupted internet…
Why does my internet become faster with Stable Internet?
Stable Internet increases speed by bundling multiple internet connections. This results in a higher total bandwidth for downloads and uploads. For example:
Your main line provides a speed of 500 Mbit/s download and 50 Mbit/s upload. The backup line offers 250 Mbit/s download and 50 Mbit/s upload.
As a result, we achieve a combined speed of 750 Mbit/s download and 100 Mbit/s upload for you.
Why do we place less emphasis on connection speed than Telekom, Vodafone, and other major internet providers?
In short:
The often-given promise that high speed is synonymous with reliability is not always true. For example, Vodafone's high-speed cable internet has a significantly higher failure rate than Telekom's slower VDSL connections.
In more detail:
Our customers are usually businesses with up to 30 employees at one location. Surprisingly, they rarely need more than 100 Mbit/s. The average demand among our customers is even below 5 Mbit/s. At first, this surprised us, as we thought speed (keyword "Gigabit") was crucial. However, we found that our customers value connection reliability more than the highest speeds, although we can provide both.
Our standard router delivers almost 100 Mbit/s when bundled, which is often sufficient. Our premium router achieves almost 1,000 Mbit/s, or gigabit speed, when bundled. Although we could provide even faster routers (>1,000 Mbit/s), we believe they are unnecessary for 99% of our customers and do not offer them as standard for cost reasons.
The central point of our solution is that you no longer have to worry about internet disruptions or outages, whether with Vodafone, Telekom, O2, 1&1, or other providers. High speed is practically a side benefit with us.
What happens to my existing internet connection?
This connection remains active and serves as the primary internet connection. This makes you independent of us! If you ever decide not to use our services anymore, there will be no hassle with setting up a new connection.
For us, it wouldn’t make sense to cancel an existing line only to use the exact same one through us again.
We simply integrate your line into our operations and monitoring.
How many connections are included when I order Stable Internet?
By default, an additional connection via LTE. Less commonly, via cable or DSL. In the case of StabilExtrem, often an additional satellite connection via Starlink. Our technician will evaluate the appropriate solution on-site with you.
See our standard packages here: stabiles-internet.de/prices
How reliable is "Stable Internet"?
To make the concept of "stability" more tangible:
Your current single internet connection, from your provider's perspective, is theoretically allowed to be offline for almost 8 minutes per working hour, or 8 seconds every minute. This adds up to a total of up to 13% of your working time each year. For many, this is unacceptable.
As a provider of stable internet, we combine two or more connections, thereby increasing the theoretical stability accordingly.
1 connection: Potential instability of up to 8 seconds per minute. (Normal case)
2 connections: Potential instability of up to 0.3 seconds per minute. (StabilPlus & -Pro)
3 connections: Potential instability of up to 0.007 seconds per minute. (StabilExtrem)
With two combined connections, we are at 0.3 seconds, which is barely more than the blink of an eye, making your bundled line 30 times more stable than a single line. In practice, this is sufficient for most customers to experience the internet as fail-safe and reliable. For those who want even more stability, a third line can be added, providing 1,000 times higher reliability.
(Note: These are still only theoretical values that assume each connection has exactly the same stability and are only for illustrative purposes. The actual stability of individual lines will vary depending on the location.)
What happens if the hardware provided by you fails during operation?
We usually have a technician and replacement hardware with you within 24 hours, as we have about 100 technicians available nationwide for you at all times.
Will I also get stable internet if only slow internet is available at my location?
Multiple slow internet connections can be combined to create an overall fast and stable internet connection. We will evaluate and offer you a solution based on your location data, as far as possible. Only if we conclude that it doesn't make sense, for example, if only a single internet connection is available on-site, will we be unable to provide you with an offer.
If something goes wrong and I call, will I have to listen to hold music that I don't want to hear?
From our perspective, you only learn the true quality of a service provider when something doesn't go as planned.
That's why we have developed a whole range of measures to ensure you are in good hands with us.
- We do not have a queue with computer voices saying, "Please press 1 to...". If you are not yet a customer, you can request a callback (within about 60 minutes) or book an appointment via Calendly, which can be found under Contact. Alternatively, simply click on Request Now.
- If you are already a customer, you will receive an individual QR code that you can scan with your smartphone. This creates an automatic message that goes directly into our system and checks if something is wrong. It also automatically triggers a callback request. Additionally, you can chat directly with our technical support through this method. In any case, we respond quickly and efficiently.
- In case of a defect, a router replacement would be carried out by our nationwide network of technicians. About 100 technicians, who are on the road in Germany daily, always carry at least one replacement router and can usually complete a replacement within 24 hours if necessary.
- If the unlikely event occurs where two or even three internet connections fail simultaneously, we will discuss possible alternatives with you and, if necessary, order an additional line, depending on availability.
Will anything change in my IT infrastructure when using Stabiles Internet?
Our technician will configure the router at your location so that practically nothing should change. Depending on the IT infrastructure you use, you may need to log into a new Wi-Fi network on the installation day or we may need to set up your printer again. A technician will be on-site for this, typically taking about 3.5 hours for the installation.
If necessary, our technician will also expand your Wi-Fi infrastructure or equip the location with professional Wi-Fi hardware. This not only stabilizes your internet but also ensures a reliable connection on-site. From our experience, you won't notice any changes after the installation day.
What is so special about our Stabiles Internet technology?
Our hardware, technology, and software have been fully developed by us in Germany. The data center and associated nodes are also located in Germany. The Wi-Fi hardware and switches come from our own development as well. Without foreign intermediaries or third-party providers, we have complete control over hardware, software, and data transport. Everything remains in Germany.
Technical details and background:
We faced the decision to either develop our stable internet solution ourselves or rely on existing providers. After testing various providers, we found that despite the possibility of a redundant internet connection, several unacceptable limitations occurred:
- Frequent prompts for user identification with "Captcha" or "I am not a robot" on web services.
- Inaccurate geolocation that incorrectly displayed the user's location as the data center.
- Discovery of security vulnerabilities during implementation that could potentially be exploited by attackers.
- Lack of transparency regarding what the provider does with the data during transport. Since the revelations by Edward Snowden about the NSA and the controversies surrounding Huawei, we are particularly cautious here.
- However, the biggest problem was that the IP addresses of other providers were on blocklists of many services like ChatGPT, DisneyPlus, and others, causing our customers to lose access to these.
These challenges led us to the conclusion to take action ourselves and develop our own solution.
The result:
An internet connection that truly deserves the name "Stabiles Internet": a stable and fast connection without restrictions and with the reassuring certainty that it will practically not fail or be disrupted.
What makes Stabiles Internet so extraordinary?
Not only the product development but also the service structure is in-house. For over 20 years, we have had an established network of technicians and extensive installation experience with over 600,000 deployments across Germany. This enables us to respond extremely quickly in case of a failure. Connected systems automatically report any outage of your stable internet to our service and logistics.
Our connection often exceeds the stability and sometimes even the speed of fiber optic connections. Unlike fiber optic providers, we can deliver today, not just in a few years. Additionally, we offer our service nationwide, not just regionally.
This unique combination of German product development, data security, as well as hardware and on-site service cannot be matched by anyone else in Germany.
What is included in the monthly costs?
- Rental for the "Stabiles Internet" router and any additional Wi-Fi equipment if needed
- Ordering, shipping, and delivery of the router to the technician and/or to you
- Free installation of the successor model at your location as needed (approximately every 4-8 years) so you always have the latest technology at home and can work securely.
- Rental of the server in the data center
- Monthly data traffic between the data center and your router
- Acquisition/maintenance/management of the nationwide technician network including replacement hardware
- Replacement logistics in case a "Stabiles Internet" router fails and the defective router is returned to the manufacturer.
- A sufficiently staffed, trained hotline equipped with the appropriate dashboards/customer systems that returns calls without long wait times.
- Development and maintenance for tracking individual internet connections and the status of the "Stabiles Internet" router. This includes technical integration with warning systems, dashboard monitoring, and billing systems.
- Costs for ordering, delivery, and managing the second (third, fourth, etc.) internet connection
- Efforts for consulting sessions and advertising costs
What is included in the one-time costs?
- Technician travel and time* for setup at your location and configuration of your systems
- Setup of the required node at the nearest data center in Germany
- Second visit if needed.
*For StabilPlus and StabilPro, a total of 4 hours on-site for the first two visits is included; thereafter, €20 net for each started 15 minutes. For StabilExtrem, 6 hours instead of 4 hours are included.
What is the order and setup process like?
You send us your location data and basic information. Inquire now!
We will then contact you with additional questions and schedule an appointment for a site visit to assess the feasibility of implementation on-site.
If feasibility is confirmed during the site visit, we will make you an offer directly on-site. (In some cases, we can also begin installation right away)
After your agreement, we will coordinate a technician appointment with you and optionally order your additional connections.
On-site, we will then install the additional connections, the Stabiles Internet router, any professional Wi-Fi equipment if necessary, and take care of connecting your devices to the network. All of this is included in the price!
For more details, visit: https://stabiles-internet.de/en/solutions
How does the cancellation process for Stabiles Internet work?
You are currently a customer and want to switch back to a single internet line? After your contract period ends, you have several options.
- The easiest way is to scan your QR code under “Need help?” on your Stabiles-Internet router (or in your contract details) with your smartphone and send the automatically generated message to us.
- Alternatively, you can send us a one-liner via email at service@stabiles.net.
We will then contact you with additional questions and schedule an appointment for the de-installation of our hardware and reconnection of your devices to your existing single internet connection. This de-installation is free of charge for you, up to a maximum of 3 hours on-site. If more time is needed for the disassembly on-site, it will cost €20 net for every started 15 minutes.
What are the contract durations for Stabiles Internet?
The initial contract runs for 24 months. After that, the contract can be canceled with a notice period of three months before the end of the month.
How secure is my data flowing through the router?
More secure than normal. The technology used by Stabiles Internet establishes an encrypted connection between your Stabiles Internet router at your location and the assigned endpoint in the data center. This endpoint effectively serves as your access to the internet. The data transmitted to the data center is neither visible to us nor to internet providers, nor is it stored. Accordingly, this technology enhances security between you and the path to the data center. The further data path from there remains unchanged, providing stable internet just like your existing single data line to the internet today.
Other Topics...
How often do internet disruptions occur in Germany?
Here are two perspectives to consider this question. The more significant perspective for us is the personally experienced user experience. About 30% of internet users experience an outage at least once a month, and approximately 5% face daily internet disruptions. When these disruptions persist and the network provider cannot resolve them, we offer those affected a solution with Stabiles Internet.
Source: Deloitte Broadband Customer Survey
The second perspective is theoretical but can also be insightful. In May 2024, the internet connections of providers Vodafone, Telekom, 1&1, and O2 were compared. In a direct comparison of the technologies, cable (Vodafone) and DSL (Telekom), Vodafone showed a longer average downtime of 12.7 minutes compared to 10.6 minutes for Telekom. Additionally, Vodafone cable experienced outages more frequently than Telekom DSL, with a rate of 12.9 days without an outage for cable compared to 14.6 days without an outage for DSL. Source: https://www.chip.de/artikel/Internet-durchs-Festnetz_185273341.html.
In conclusion, it can be stated that while DSL may be slower, it can be somewhat more stable. In both cases, however, you depend on a single provider and a single line, which can inevitably fail at some point. Therefore, with our solution “Stabiles Internet”, we always offer a second line as a backup, so disruptions become a thing of the past.
Where can I find information on current internet disruptions?
For information on current internet disruptions, you can visit allestörungen.de and netzausfall.net. These sites provide real-time overviews of reported internet outages for various services and providers.
In addition to allestörungen.de, many internet providers offer their own websites and tools to check the status of their services. Here are the details for the major providers in Germany:
- Telekom:
- Disruption Hotline: Telekom can be reached 24/7 at the toll-free number 0800/33 010 00.
- Disruption Assistance: Check online if there is currently a Telekom disruption and if it can be resolved directly. Website: Telekom Disruption Assistance
- Vodafone:
- Disruption Hotline: Vodafone is also available 24/7 at the toll-free number 0800/172 12 12.
- Disruption Finder: Check if there is a known Vodafone disruption or maintenance work. Website: Vodafone Disruption Finder
- o2:
- Disruption Hotline: o2 can be reached 24/7 at the number 089 787 979 400.
- Live Check: Check online for free if there is currently an internet disruption at your location. Website: o2 Live Check
Would you like to never worry about internet disruptions again?
Stabiles Internet offers uninterrupted and fast connections by combining multiple internet lines. Even in the event of a line failure, your connection remains stable. Learn more at stabiles-internet.de and secure reliable internet without outages.
How do you get stable internet?
For many businesses, a reliable internet connection is crucial for productivity and success. This includes communication with customers, using cloud services, or conducting video conferences—stable internet is almost indispensable for working from home, streaming, or online gaming. Here are some tips on how to optimize your internet connection without engaging Stabiles Internet:
1. Optimize Router Location
The location of your router can greatly impact the signal strength and stability of your Wi-Fi. Place the router centrally in your home or office and as high as possible to ensure even coverage. Avoid obstacles like walls and metal objects that could block the signal. In multi-story buildings, underfloor heating can significantly weaken the signal, which can be mitigated using powerline adapters or network cables between floors.
2. Change Frequency Band
Modern routers allow you to switch between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands. The 2.4 GHz band has a larger range but is more susceptible to interference, while the 5 GHz band is less congested and faster but has a shorter range. It can be helpful to name both bands (“SSID”) identically so your router can select the more suitable and stable Wi-Fi connection automatically.
3. Update Firmware
Ensure your router's firmware is up to date. Manufacturers regularly release updates that can close security gaps and improve performance.
4. Use Mesh Systems
A mesh Wi-Fi system can help improve coverage in larger apartments or houses. These systems consist of multiple nodes that work together to create a unified network with better coverage and stability.
5. Use Wired Connection
For particularly stable connections, especially for bandwidth-intensive devices like PCs, gaming consoles, Smart TVs, or Amazon Fire TV, a wired connection (Ethernet) can be beneficial. This is less susceptible to interference and provides consistently high speeds. You can set this up by connecting a cable between the router and the respective device.
6. Avoid Network Overload
Depending on your internet connection's bandwidth, too many active devices can overload your network. Disconnect unnecessary devices and try to avoid running bandwidth-intensive activities, like downloading large files or streaming in high resolution, simultaneously if you do not have sufficient bandwidth available.
7. Identify Interference Sources
Electronic devices like microwaves, cordless phones, and baby monitors can interfere with your Wi-Fi signal. Place the router far away from such devices.
8. Check Provider and Plan
Check if your current internet provider and plan meet your needs. Sometimes switching to a faster plan or a different provider can significantly improve the stability and speed of your internet connection.
9. Adjust Network Settings
Some routers offer advanced settings to optimize network performance. Features like Quality of Service (QoS) can prioritize bandwidth usage for specific devices or applications.
By implementing these tips, you can improve the stability and speed of your internet connection for a smoother online experience.
Alternatively, Seek Expert Help
If you continue to have problems with your internet despite all measures, it may be worthwhile to consult an IT expert who can professionally analyze and optimize your network.
We provide this last service automatically at Stabiles Internet when you choose a Stabiles Internet plan. In this case, one of our technicians will come to your location to ensure not only a stable internet connection with at least one redundant line but also a professional Wi-Fi coverage at your site. This way, you can say goodbye to internet disruptions.
How do I test if my internet connection is stable?
Disruptions often occur unpredictably and are not always noticeable during a test.
You can perform a speed test by simply typing “Speedtest” into Google and clicking on Run. However, you will only get a snapshot of your connection speed. During the test, the connection may appear stable, but it could cause problems tomorrow. Typical signs of instability include connection issues during video conferences or the failure to load videos or websites.
If you are experiencing recurring internet disruptions or outages and wish for a reliable and stable internet connection, feel free to check out our solution. See stabiles-internet.de
Do I really need stable internet, or can I take steps myself to improve my internet connection?
Of course, you can take action yourself. On these pages https://stabiles-internet.de/loesungen/internet-probleme and https://stabiles-internet.de/loesungen/internet-stoerungen, we have compiled information and some approaches.
Some internet disruptions are actually only temporary and occur sometimes only once, such as cable damage caused by construction work. These are usually resolved relatively quickly.
We want to offer our solution of stable internet for users:
- whose internet provider cannot deliver a stable connection despite all efforts, and for whom daily or weekly internet disruptions are the norm rather than the exception.
- who need fast and stable internet, but no single technology at their location can provide sufficiently fast internet.
- who simply need stable internet and do not want to deal with technical details but rather focus on more important things.
Why do I keep experiencing internet outages?
Internet disruptions can have many causes, but they can generally be divided into two categories: your local Wi-Fi or network infrastructure, and the external internet connection from your provider.
If the issues are with your local infrastructure, you can find detailed solutions here: Solutions for local internet problems. If the outages are caused by external factors related to your connection, you may find helpful information here: Solutions for external internet disruptions.
If you don't want to deal with either category, we are happy to take care of it for you. Simply request assistance here: stabiles-internet.de/jetzt-anfragen.
What alternatives do I have if no provider can currently deliver a sufficiently fast internet connection?
If no conventional provider can deliver a sufficiently fast internet connection, there are still alternatives you can consider. One of these alternatives is Starlink, a satellite-based internet service from SpaceX.
Starlink offers high-speed internet even in remote and rural areas by utilizing a constellation of satellites that transmit the signal to Earth. These satellites form a network in low Earth orbit, allowing for a continuous internet connection. This enables regions that previously had limited or no access to fast internet to benefit from a reliable and fast connection.
Starlink costs (as of June 2024):
- Hardware: The one-time cost for Starlink hardware, including the satellite dish and router, is currently around 499 euros.
- Monthly fees: The monthly cost for the Starlink service is approximately 99 euros. These prices may vary and should be checked directly on the Starlink website.
Despite the advantages of Starlink, there are also some drawbacks. In bad weather, such as heavy rain or snowfall, the connection may become unstable or slower. This is because satellite signals can be affected by atmospheric disturbances. Additionally, the installation of Starlink can be complex depending on the structural conditions of your location. Cables often need to be routed through exterior walls, and the satellite dish must be installed in a suitable location with a clear view of the sky, which may require additional structural modifications in some cases.
Stable Internet installs Starlink for some customers as an additional line to stabilize and accelerate the internet on-site. This ensures an uninterrupted and fast connection, even in areas with few internet providers. Even in bad weather, the internet connection remains stable overall. Feel free to contact us at stabiles-internet.de /jetzt-anfragen.
Why do internet disruptions often occur in the evening?
Internet disruptions often occur in the evening because this is when many people simultaneously use data-intensive services. After a long day at work or school, simultaneous streaming of high-definition videos on platforms like Netflix, YouTube, or Amazon Prime often begins, leading to a significant increase in data traffic. This heavy usage puts a lot of strain on the network infrastructure's capacity and can cause congestion.
Network congestion means that data packets are transmitted more slowly or get backed up, leading to slower connections, increased buffering during video streaming, and occasional connection dropouts. Uploading large amounts of data, such as sharing photos and videos or uploading files to cloud services, also contributes to evening network congestion.
Another issue can be bandwidth distribution within a neighborhood. If many households in an area are using the internet intensively at the same time, it can overwhelm local nodes and degrade the connection quality for all users in that area. In summary, the combination of a high number of simultaneous users and data-intensive activities in the evening often leads to network congestion, which is a common cause of slower connections or internet disruptions.
This is where our service "Stabiles Internet" comes in with additional backup internet lines to ensure that such bottlenecks no longer occur. By utilizing different internet technologies, temporary bottlenecks of a single technology are avoided, allowing you to always enjoy a reliable and fast connection. Use "Stabiles Internet" and experience the freedom of a disruption-free online experience—no matter the time of day.
Which provider offers the most stable internet connection?
The stability of the internet depends on the technology used and the number of connections in use simultaneously:
Stability by technology (from less stable to more stable):
- LTE: LTE connections can vary due to signal strength, network coverage, and network congestion. Therefore, they are often considered less stable compared to wired options.
- Cable (e.g., Vodafone): Cable connections usually offer a stable connection, but in highly congested areas, fluctuations may occur.
- DSL (e.g., Telekom, O2, 1&1): DSL connections are generally stable, but performance can vary depending on the distance to the nearest distribution point and the quality of the lines.
- Fiber optics: Fiber optics offer the highest stability and speed, as they are less susceptible to external disruptions and allow for higher bandwidths.
Improving stability through connection bundling:
Stability can be massively improved by combining multiple internet connections from different technologies. This greatly enhances the reliability of the internet connection. This is exactly the approach we use at stabiles Internet.
Free informational call & pre-check via phone or video call, discussing the key facts.